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tiny nodes


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Taken from q3radiant common error listing:


WARNING: Node without a volume / node has 0 tiny portals


An infinite brush. Delete it. The latest build of GtkRadiant has a debug tool that can help the mapper track down infinite brushes. Go to the BSP menu and select No_Vis (No light). After the compile process, a window will open up--assuming you've got bad brushes--and the first brush in the list will be selected and visible in the Z-Window. Merely press Backspace to delete this brush and repeat the No_Vis process. Or, you can use the Find Brush command (Misc menu) to find and then delete those bad brushes.


In my experience this error can also be caused by very tiny (almost microscopic) brushes too. Brushes that are created after using CSGSubtruct, especially after substructing complex shapes.

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