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map extraction question

Dark Cloak

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Okay, first of all, for all you people out there who actually know what you're doing, this may cause you to look at me with that, "Is she daft?" look on your faces...but how do you extract .map files from .bsp files? I know it must be simple, and right under my nose...and I've looked through the forums (I've GOT to have missed something), but can't find an answer...any suggestions?

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Weeell... it's not as simple as you might think. I believe the decompiler strips the bsp of all its textures (and some entities, I think) so it's not all that pretty...


But as for where to GET the decompiler, I have no idea. Never needed it. :p

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The decompiler will decompile the .bsp. (insightful, no) However, it will lose all texture and curve (patch meshes, cylinders, etc) information. So, most people don't even bother w/ it. If you REALLY want to, though, you can. It's a program called bspc.exe, which is command line, like q3map. The best way to use it is w/ a program called BSPC-GUI. Which as it sounds, is just a GUI for bspc.exe (man, I am DEEP)


Get it here:




As for bspc.exe. It is normaly used to create the bot support for q3 games, but Raven ditched that for jk2. So, if you can't find bspc.exe anywhere on the net, email me, and I'll send it to you.



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from what I've experienced, the current bscp that's out and about doesn't work on jk2 maps.


the latest version I could find is from a couple years ago, near as I can tell the original distribution site for it imploded.


all sof2map bsp's I tried to decompile died with an error.

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