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box modeling for a newbie


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I'm new (very new) at this whole character modeling thing. It seems that box modeling is probably the best way of doing things. I've got 3ds max 4 and I'm trying to figure this out. Does anybody have any good tips for making models or know where any good tutorials are? Also, am I right to assume it's imparitive to have reference pics when you do character modelling? Is there a good place to find good reference pics?

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I find that the best way of learning is simply experimenting by yourself. Of course, tutorials and help files are vital for complicated fiddly things like weighting vertices to bones etc. But for yer basic mesh editing, just mess about, trying different things. A good understanding of basic anatomy if useful of course

if you are going to make a humanoid model that looks realistic and not cartoonish. Reference pictures are everywhere! It depends on what you want to model, just go to a search engine and search for pictures of what you want to model. Some pics are better than others ;)


Speaking of which ;) if anyone can point me towards some good images of adolescent Anakin SKywalker, I would be most grateful..


Good luck modelling Nickeleye...

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One thing I do that helps is using Poser 4 to take screenies of their male model.


For instance. I take front, back, right, left, and top screen shots of the model. Then I make them background images in the max view ports then I just shape my box around that image.


I am a newbie also and maybe some day I wont have to use pictures.

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