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triggering target_scriptrunners


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ive got a scriptrunner that does a script to remove a bunch of dudes and the scriptrunner is targetted by a trigger brush that the player crosses


the trouble is the script must be running as soon as the player spawns and not waiting for the trigger brush to set it off because all the dudes are gone by the time th player gets to them


any one know any special tricks in triggering target_scriptrunners?



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yup, trigger once, targetting the scriptrunner det to player only


the script is just something i sorta guessed but its working except for its not waiting to be triggered


its just


remove ( "topguys" );


thats the whole thing


and then the npc_targetname of the guys i want removed is "topguys"



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Er, well that's not what he wants it to do; he wants it to trigger later. :)


Well... hmm... the script might not be working at all. It could be that the script isn't working and the engine thinks it's something akin to a spawn script and thus isn't even spawning them in the first place... I'm not sure.


Try changing the remove statements to kill statements and recompile... then use noclip to find out if there are bodies where the NPCs should be. :)

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Originally posted by RichDiesal

Er, well that's not what he wants it to do; he wants it to trigger later. :)


After reading this:

Originally posted by patchx

the trouble is the script must be running as soon as the player spawns and not waiting for the trigger brush to set it off


I figured it's exactly what he wants. Oh well :D

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actually no i wanted it to trigger later when a certain npc is spawned


i got it to work


i had given the npcs it was affecting a targetname key instead of a NPC_targetname


so it was waiting for the script to execute before spawning them and then as soon as they were spawned the script would remove them


pretty daft hey?



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