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A Cliff, The Sky, The Long Drop and Fog


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Here's the deal: my Ice Cave is set into a cliff. Instead of the easy option of blocking off the 'entrance' I've tried to set up a big wall (cliff) which has the entrance in it with sky above and to each side.


The problem comes when I try to create the drop. I want to conceal the ground with thick fog but it has problems with the sky.


Namely, the fog vanishes.



How the frell do I set it up so the fog conceals the 'bottom' of the 'cliff' and works properly when a player 'falls' into it using the trigger_hurt/big fall thing?


If you look at the published maps, all the long drops are either drops in structures or high city areas down into fog (nar shadda, the flag pit in cft_bespin), which works because there is no sky, or they are set in the clouds of Bespin, which works because the skybox of Bespin clouds conceals where the ground would be anyway.


I may have to review by plans.... and I've been waiting all weekend for these frelling forums to actually work!

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Just make a simple brushwork stone bottom to the canyon, and the otherside. Then, you shouldn't have those skybox/fog conflicts.


And if you want it to be pitch black down there, don't forget to use black fog.


And if you didn't know, making a trigger_hurt with a 'dmg' value of -1 *should* enable the falling scene when you die.

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Yeah, that's what I was thinking of doing.... But I wanted to see if anyone here had any suggestions first. It looks as if having a rocky floor and a cliff on the opposite side might be the only way of doing it.


And I knew how to do the falling thing, but thanks anyway!

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i have a better idea

i did this for my map build a sky box and then shorten the sides of it by moving them up then clone each side and put the clones in the place where the big sky brush used to be like so





thats your wall then make the lower brush shorter again a little smaller then half its orginal size clone that and replace the emty on with it






like so the texture 1 with a sky 2 texture depends on your sky in the floor on the sky is trees texture it with a grass if its desert with a sand texture and etc 3 texture with the fog TEXTURE not shader its in the fog folder it is white or with u have balck fog use a black texture i used yavin white for mine hope this helps

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