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Is it possible to create textures yourself?


I've got some other problems two:


How do you create enemies in the mapeditor. Not the cheatcode.

I'm making an SP level so that's the reason.


Geonosis Arena if anyone cares.


Still waiting for the Battle Droid and Super Battle Droid to be released.

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Yes, you can make your own textures using Photoshop or any other convenient image editing software. Save the as TGA or JPG somewhere in the textures folder. Ex. textures/mymap. Make sure that the size of the texture (width and height) is devidable by 4. 128x64, 512x512, 1024x1024 etc.


To place enemies, just right click on the map in 2d view and select any enemy NPC, ex. NPC_Reborn.

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