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2 questions


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1. How can i move models in the game ? (flying tie fighter etc). i tried to add func_train but that didnt work. any idea ?


2. are there tutorials how to make cutscenes with radiant ?

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All of that is done by scripting. We don't have the tools yet.

You can achieve basic movement with func_train but it will be unrealistic as func_trains can't rotate (correct me some1 if I am wrong cuz I am not sure if Raven did some modifications to the trains).

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the model only has to move from one point to another one, so i think func_train should be good enough.


but ive got some probs with the func_train. ive read some tutorials but i couldnt fix the prob.

thats what i did:

i created two brushes. i assigned the origin shader which i copied from quake 3 (i couldnt find one in jedi outcast) to the smaller brush. i selected them and added func_train. in entity menu i checked func_on.

i deselected them and created two path_corners. then i selected the func_train and then the first path corner and hit ctrl-k. a brown line appeared between them. i selected the first path_corner and then the second and hit again ctrl-k. again a brown line connected them.

then i compiled and started the map but the train didnt move. i also noticed that the train is neither on the path nor on the origin point (where the origin brush is)

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