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Noob checking in...


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Hi all,


I bought this game at the weekend and although it took some tweaking to get it running OK on my Voodoo 5500, I'm enjoying it so far.


I'm still on Level 2 of the single player game, so have 2 more levels to go before I get my LightSabre/Jedi skills. Then I understand it gets a hell of a lot better from then on.


My question is, although I'm not new to MultiPlayer Gaming (IL-2 & Ghost Recon, my main games) is there a server anywhere that hosts games for noobs?

I know what it's like to start playing online for the first time and all that happens is Aces/Snipers/Jedi's waste you every 5 seconds after you spawn. This can be so frustrating. :mad: And I don't wanna start on the path to the dark side.....or do I? ;)


I understand from the FAQ's that's best to practise with BOTS, which I will. But a nice friendly server would be a treat too. :)






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there's a couple servers that are listed "newbie only", though in my experience it just ends up being a magnet for griefers looking to stroke themselves by beating up folks that can't yet defend themselves.


Best bet is to cruise through duel servers and start up conversations with people there. Duels are great places to watch how people win fights, and the downtime you get while waiting for your turn is a good chance to ask people questions.


Sometimes the server is full of pricks and you learn nothing, other times folks are cool and you can chat it up a bit.

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Thanks for the info. ;)


Unfortunately, no online game is gonna stop these sad 'Mouth-Breathers' from spoiling everyone elses harmless fun.


Like you said, I should just pick the games I join really well and chat to some of the players to get to know them.


I played in my 1st online game last night, a Jedi training arena if I can remember, lots of fun :D Got my ass kicked, but enjoyed it anyways. Gotta go practise A LOT though ;)






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