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SP/MP Shader Went Where?


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Odd thing happened... I created a shader for a light emitting texture that I needed and the strange thing is that it works in SP but not in MP... even though I made it with MP entities.


Any particular reason that this might happen?


The shader is rather simple:



qer_editorimage textures/duel_kamino/light

q3map_surfacelight 3000


map $lightmap

rgbGen identity



map textures/duel_kamino/light


rgbGen identity



map textures/duel_kamino/light_glow

blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE



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Originally posted by RichDiesal

Odd thing happened... I created a shader for a light emitting texture that I needed and the strange thing is that it works in SP but not in MP... even though I made it with MP entities.


Any particular reason that this might happen?

Not sure this is it, but try putting TGA extension after texture names.




qer_editorimage textures/duel_kamino/light

q3map_surfacelight 3000


map $lightmap

rgbGen identity



map textures/duel_kamino/light.TGA


rgbGen identity



map textures/duel_kamino/light_glow.TGA

blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE




You said it's not working. But in what way? It doesn't emit light or what?

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The shaders show up as that damn white/black crisscross grid in MP but look perfect in SP...


If the extension were causing the problem, wouldn't that make it screw up in SP too? :)


The map is designed with MP entities too, I can't figure out what is wrong... (this is for duel_kamino btw, if you look in the screen I posted in that topic, those lights come up as crisscrossed nothing, although they still emit light).

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Originally posted by RichDiesal

If the extension were causing the problem, wouldn't that make it screw up in SP too? :)


Heck I dunno :D Just guessing. The only other reason I can think of, is that somehow your shader is not being read by the SP game. :rolleyes:. Maybe adding it to pk3 will help.

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DON'T add it to any of the pk3's that came w/ the game.


NEVER DO THAT. You should never modify any pk3's that came w/ the game.


Try the sv_pure 0 thing... I think that's it.


Because, the pure server must be turned off in MP for it to load custom textures not in a .pk3 file. However, since SP doesn't have to worry about servers, it doesn't care if they're pakked up or not. :)

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Originally posted by Cmdr. Antilles

NEVER DO THAT. You should never modify any pk3's that came w/ the game.


I meant different new custom pk3.


Just for the record, hehe. :D




a question? Did you create new shader file for this or just added to the existing one?

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