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Skilled UK player looking for a Clan


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Hi there!


Ideally I am looking to join a UK or European clan but I am interested in any clan at the moment. I play on servers and come consistently at the top or top two. I seriously want to better my skills more, by fighting more skilled individuals.


I predominantly play CTF and Team FFA as normal FFA seems to be a boring backslash spam fest =/


I can play with saber only or with guns and I am at home using both.


Please reply here or e-mail me at db199@ecs.soton.ac.uk if you'd be interested in giving me a try out.


Many thanks,


Jedi Master Hivetyrant

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If you are one of the elite CTF players this is for you. The Rogue Knights are now recruiting for our CTF division. Please be mature and a good player. Also please don't join if you get on once a week. We are looking for active members. If you are interested e-mail me or post a reply. Here is some info you might want to know:


CTF Leader: [RK]Commie


AIM#: TheCommie777


Server Location: Houston, Texas


If interested in join please contact:


CTF: Commie - sdogg_@hotmail.com


SERVER IP's: 28070 (Duel Server) 28071 (CTF Server)


URL: http://www.rogue-knights.net/

Please consider us if you would like to choose a clan.


[RK]Commie aka Luke

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If you are interested in a professional UK team, I would be happy to take you on board. Only problem right now is that it won't start up until after people's exams have finished, or till the summer, or whenever (mine finish 11th June, so after that anytime is ok for me). We have not developed at all yet, and only a handful of members. We will be a clan all about bettering ourselves in combat, and playing the game seriously to have fun. We will focus more on the team FFA and duel (saber only) aspects of play. If this sounds like a good clan for you, then you can trial by sending me an e-mail at cuttings@blueyonder.co.uk, or MSNM tyranith26@hotmail.com .


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