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Push and Pull.. Techniques to drop an opponent (?)


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On certain servers, I've encountered those that repeatedly drop my character into a prone position. 9 times out of 10, I can escape without harm, but how is this feat accomplished, and how is it countered?


The obvious answer would be force push or pull, but I've only been able to drop another player using the roll + pull technique. Just using the powers while standing and facing them has little effect, and the aforementioned technique only works about 3-out of-10 times for me (not to mention I'd like to be close to their bodies, and roll makes me move quite a distance from them).


Any thoughts or suggestions you could lend me?

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push/pull can only knock someone down if they're very close to you.. not quite melee range but about that distance.


Countering it is a bit more difficult. Obvious solutions are to never close within the danger range unless the opponent is occupied doing something else (attacking you, probably), don't let yourself get in front of him (can only knock down someone you have nearly directly in front of you), or push/pull him first.


The amount of force power you have has an effect too, most people suggest staying over half.


Light side absorb is capable of resisting push/pull too.

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