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Post most wanted models here...


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What i would like to see is a few more original models/skins. maybe a few less dark/light jedi, a few less bounty hunters/assassins/cyborgs from the star wars universe. not sayin SW is bad, i just think it might be more itellectually stimulating. (i know i spelled that wrong)


but here are a few ideas. (these are my own, but if you DO decide to make a model based off of my pics, i would only like to be informed.)





again, just ideas, but i think they would make some sweet models.

if you want to do one, tell me at madawac@hotmail.com

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Basically, i really hope that very nice, accurate skins/models of all the members of the Jedi Counsil are made.


Plo Koon

Eeth Koth

Ki-Adi Mundi

Mace Windu

Sansee Tiin(spelling?)

Those 2 asian like females with the tatoos on their faces

Adi Galia


Qui Gon Jinn

Episode 1 and 2 Obi-Wan

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Mine have to be:


Obi Wan (episode 2)

Not sure who she is, but that female Twi'lek Jedi Knight in Attack of the Clones


Mace Windu

Jango Fett (someone needs to make dual rapied fire laser pistols)

Clone Trooper (with the clone trooper laser rifle from Attack of the Clones, make it replace say the heavy repeter)

Count Dooku

Darth Maul

Eeth Koth

While it's not a player model I would like to get Dooku's lightsaber.


I just have a few... :)



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So far out of the models I really want to see/do 2 are complete, and 3 are being worked on.


Bossk (model comes with game)

Aurra Sing (complete)


Dengar (WIP)

Boba/Jango Fett (WIP)

Boushh/Leia (WIP)


IG-88 (Something I've started on since Boushh is being working on)




(have I missed any?)


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Well for one:



And two:

Luke Skywalker wearing the long black cloak that goes down to his knees and covers most of his face would be ut-most stimulating. Suit you sir.....


I only have the demo so tell me if some of these skins are already avalible in the MP character select. THX

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A vortigaunt would be nice. Heh, when you sneak up on a couple they talk in their language. When they talk they wave the're arms around and stuff -I always wondered what they were talking about.;)


"Jibber. Jabber -louiiii-gia louiii-gia!"


"*Waves third arm, croaking, cackling* AhahahAaaaaaaa!"

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