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Another can't get the lightsaber post


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Ohh this is so grim :jawa I have been trying for ages to get the lightsabre.


Let me explain where i am.


I see a door infront of me with a switch above that seems to do nothing,

to my right there is a crack in the wall that i can use force powers to remove,

I walk through this crack and bring the pillar in the middle of the room down by pushing the blocks holding it up,


This is the part that gets me..


Thre is a platform I stand on that lowers and also it raises the cage holding the lightsabre, if i try to make a dash for the sabre the cage always closes to fast. I have tried to pull the sabre to me, push it from me, i just cannt get it......


Someone please put me out of my misery...... I have been trying for a whole hour... Is it really here or is it just a teaser.

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let me see if this helps.....back up to the platform that lowers you down and brings the cage up..as soon as you hit it press force speed..then run and aim and hit force pull over and over till you get it...it took me a few times myself...but it works...good luck

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