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getting the lightsaber sucks!!


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Can someone help me out! I´m stuck at the point that you have to get the lightsaber out of the cage. When i´m standing on the stone that makes the cage go up, i trie to make a move towards the cage using Force speed. But as you may have guessed i´m always too slow. I´ve already read that Pull force should be used, but at what point should i activate this? Please help me out before i get really pissed off and throw my PC out of the window!! :explode:

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This was not an easy thing for me to do. Use force speed to run from the stone to the cage. Make sure your crosshair is on the lightsaber. Just keep hitting your force pull during your run to the cage.

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I think I see your problem. When you stand on the stone which raises the cage over the lightsaber, allow the stone to sink all the way to the bottom of the shaft. While you're sinking hit your force speed. As soon as the stone reaches the bottom of the shaft, run like hell to the now decending cage. Once you've reached the half-way point, aim the reticle at the light saber and hit force pull. Don't forget to continue running. Right hand on mouse to aim; one left finger on W to run; one left finger on F2 to pull. I didn't succeed the 10th time either.

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I suggest rebinding your force powers to keys that are more accessible. (i.e.: push = F, pull = G, Grip = Caps Lock, etc...) This way the keys are easier to reach, and you spend less time makins sure you hit the right key.

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