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How do you do this? I often see players say phrases like the Reborn laughing demonically. Which key is it?


How do you bind text to keys, i.e. I say "This is my Boomstick!" when I hit "Home"


I have once seen a player using a script to hide all of his body except his hands and wepons. What is this script? (I already have the skin, but the SERVER DID NOT HAVE THE SKIN ON IT.

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To bind a taunt to, say, V you would type in the console /bind V +taunt


To bind a phrase /bind L say This is my broomstick!! (I don't know if you could bind it to home)


I assume you are working on version 1.02, where the model you described can still be acessed, I'm not sure what the command is, but it might be /model kyle/fpls 2 I honestly am not sure though, I never used it.

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