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We need some good SP maps and adventures!


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The amazing work people are doing in the map making and skinning portions of the game are great. The MP levels are excellent also. But what we need are some great SP Adventures, levels, maps and chapters. JK had some really cool stories and with this game I think there could be some really sweet thinsg people could do. Anyone woking on any SP stories, mods, and adventures? :fett:

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i think many people are just unfortunately since the scripting tools haven't been released yet it's hard to do anything real major besides build maps. once the scripting tools get released (which better be soon!) then things should really pick up on the sp side. now i'm gonna go have a little fun in the single player game with npcs :-D



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i think a fair few people are working on them (i know i am) its just that they take heaps longer then an average mp map because theyre inherintly bigger plus u have to work out scripts, npc's, cinematics,spawn chains, any mods ur making to enemies or players etc and try to keep it at a reasonable framerate.


anyway mines half done and because of the steep lurning curve of the first half of it i expect to be able to finish the rest of it in about a quarter the time




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I am also making a map, but, I am very new to this kind of editor. I am used to Duke Nukem's actually. I am having a heck of a time building my outdoor area, kinda like Yavin Swamp. Trying to make rocky walls is driving me f'n nuts. lol

I have a tough time with the E and V keys, pulling the brush to make it look real. Nothing seems to look right!

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