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Saber Throw Bug


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This might have been said along time ago, I don't know but I noticed a bug when throwing your saber. Most people probably know if you have level 3 force, throw your saber and hold attack, let go of throw, and dodge the saber before it gets to you, the saber will continuously fly around you until you let go of attack. Well, after practicing with some bots I found out if you do the same thing, only you force push after throwing then dodging your saber, your saber will stick in the position where it comes back to you and you dodge it, continuously flying around a certain spot, never stopping until you let go of attack.


You can move around the map and even still use force but your force won't come back. I recorded a little demo of it, have to upload it though I will post it tomorrow maybe.

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I always wondered how people did that. I think I even know why they happen:


Saber orbit move: If you keep moving at right angles to the blade's direction of travel, then it will circle round and try to get to you again, continuously if you keep travelling perpendicular to your previous move.


Saber orbit locked: Probably happens if you activate any force power in the above circumstances - activating a second power causes the game to forget about returning your saber (since you are OBVIOUSLY finished with the saber throw, why else would you use another power? :> )

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Only it was a little bit different. I was in a CTF game and threw out my saber and it just froze in one spot in mid air. I couldn't use any force powers because I was already at low force and it thought I was using saber throw come to think of it I couldn't even attack my guy was just reaching out for the saber. Here is the worst part though I had the flag and I was at the enemy team's base =0. I ended up making it back to my base and somehow surviving until the game ended, but never capped the flag =(

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