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Trouble with pk3 sounds....please help


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hi there


Can someone please spare a few minutes to explain to me the process of changing model sounds in pk3 files,and how to zip the new file back up so it works.


Ive been trying to do this for a couple of days and its driving me mad.I used both winzip and winrar to open the pk3 i want to change(being sithlord-II`s vader)....then overwrote the sounds i wanted to change,and finaly rezipped back into a pk3 but sadly i cant get it to work.(i have tryed many differant ways)

Either the model didnt show up at all or the taunt came out as one of the reborns.....why i dont know,cos i didnt even use reborn sounds?


What im trying to do is simply swap vaders.....






files into ones ive made myself(some vader wav`s i converted into mp3`s)


Please help me,ive read all the posts i could find concerning pk3`s,but i guess im just one of those cabbage brains that needs it spelling out in clear procise instructions. :)


I would be most thankfull for any feedback.

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You probably didn't set paths correctly. Inside the zip file that is. The paths should be relative to base directory, meaning that "base" directory is considered as root. Open the original vader pk3 and see where sound files are located. Then recreate the same folders on C drive. This thread will give more info:




If you are positive that you repacked it correctly and it still doesn't work, then probably, your soundfiles have wrong bitrate or something (unfortunately I forget what it must be).

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Hi Xcom


Thanks for your reply. :)


I should have mentioned the original vader sound files were 122 bitrate,while the mp3`s i made are 128 bitrate.(this was because the ripper i used to convert the wav`s to mp3 only had the option to use bitrate...112,128,160...going on up to 300 and odd)

Sadly im not sure if i have the correct paths specified because i dont really know what im doing. :)


After opening the vader.pk3 i found 5 main folders,being.....




Obviously im only interested in the sounds folder,inside it are these sub folders.......


sounds>chars>vader>misc....(inside misc are where the sound files are located)


Judging by the link you kindly gave me do i need to create the following folders in my C:\ drive....







Then copy the contence of the original misc folder into my new misc folder(on C:\ drive)...and overwright the files i wish to change with my new mp3`s.Then make a new zip archive in jk2\gamedata\base...right click it,choose add too archive,then in turn add the files i made on my C:\ drive starting with sound..through to misc.(i take it i must also add the other folders(and there relitive sub folders)from the original vader.pk3...i.e botfiles,scripts,models,shaders.

If so,do i also make my own versions of these files on my C:\ drive before adding them to my new pk3,or can i just copy the originals strait into my new zip from an opened version of sithlord-II`s vader.pk3.?

Or can i just make a small mod to change the sounds and add it to my jk2\base folder along with the original vader.pk3 so they run side by side...ie...make a new zip,add sound folder(with relitive sub folders)containing just the sound files i want to overwright.?


Im sorry to make this whole thing more complicated than it need be,but im really new to this sort of thing.Infact i only DL`d winzip and winrar(2 days ago)so i could do this little mission of mine and have had no need to use them before.So im sure you can understand im finding the whole deal very confusing.


I do admit i find winrar easier to use than winzip.....i also have pakscape but havent installed it yet.....is it better to use than winRAR or winZIP?


Please keep up your usefull replys,im sure i can crack this with kind dudes like yourself helping me through.


Cheers again. :)

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I will attempt this again. :)


1) make back-up of original vader.pk3 copy/paste it somewhere


2) open vader.pk3 (the one in the base directory) in WinZip and leave it open (in the background)


3) Re-create the folders exactly like they appear in the pk3. You must put subfolders exactly in the same place on c drive so it will be:




4) copy your modified sound files in there. Make sure they have the same names as the files in pk3 or it might not work.


5) Select them all. Richt click->Add to Zip. WinZip window will pop up. Mark "Save Extra Folder Info" option and hit OK. This will add them to the pk3 you have open in the background and hopefully it will work. Close the zip(pk3) file.



If you wanna create separate file while keeping original pk3 intact, start from step 3. When adding files to Zip, save it in gamedata/base/vader_sound.pk3. This should work too. (hypothetically speaking).

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:) cheers for the time and effort you`ve put into helping me xcom.


I just have one small question.....


stage you say select them all.......do you just mean the sound files ive placed in misc(which is what i think your saying),or do you actualy mean select all the folders...ie sound,char,vader,misc.


Cheers for your help again Xcom,your a true gent.

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Sorry to drag this on Xcom,


But you say open the vader.kp3 in the base dirctory....what option do i use to do this?


If i left click the vader.pk3 i get the following options(after passing through the winzip "i agree" page)


unzip or install from "vader.pk3"

update "vader.pk3"

create a new zip file


If i right click the vader.pk3 i get the following options


add to zip file.....

add to vader zip

add to reasantly used zip file

zip and e-mail vader zip

zip and e-mail plus



As ive said i find winrar easier to use than winzip can i do the same with that?....i can just click the file using rar and it opens right away.


But i have winzip installed at the moment so i spose it would be easier to use that...so it must be one of the options above.


cheers for your help Xcom. :)

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Originally posted by Longshanks

add to zip file.....

add to vader zip

add to reasantly used zip file

zip and e-mail vader zip

zip and e-mail plus



Don't you have Open just above that? What happens when you just doubleclick on it (or select it and press Enter)?

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Yeah when i right click on vader.pk3 a box appears with options....


Open with winzip.....this just opens winzip with the same options as memtiond above being....


unzip or install from "vader.pk3"

update "vader.pk3"

create a new zip file


Theres also an option Open with.....which has sub folders being...


winzip executable..

windows explorer..

choose program..


If i click winzip executable the same options appear....


unzip or install from "vader.pk3"

update "vader.pk3"

create a new zip file


So pretty much however i try to access the vader.pk3 i get the same thing happening.



The other option....is just called winzip,which has the sub options i have allready mentioned being....


add to zip file.....

add to vader zip

add to reasantly used zip file

zip and e-mail vader zip

zip and e-mail plus



All thats there after that is paste,copy,send to......just normal options that i dont think has anything to do with winzip.But i am using the free trail version of winzip so the options may be differant?


Cheers Xcom...but please dont give up now...we`re so close i can taste it. :)


PS..there is`nt an option to "save extra folder info"...but the is one to "save full path info".....is that what you mean?

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Man, you probably have new version of WinZip. :) I guess, "unzip or install from vader.pk3" is what you must choose. Anyway, what you need is just get the Winzip window displaying the pk3 contents.


And yes, "save full path info" it is. (Apparently, it's called differently now)

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