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Is there a way to communicate privately in MP FFA?


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Just do as he says, when ur sabers are down and ur "calming down" point ur cursor at somebody and his name will show up, and then press the Team chat key and u can privately chat with him that way. In FFA that is.

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Thank you, the Tell_Target thing worked.


Now if I could only figure out how to get /tell to work.


Supposedly I type /tell <name> <message> but it never seems to work.


I tried


/tell Joe Schmoe Whatta ya know?


But I always seem to end up either sending to myself or to the last person to enter the game (I can see me talking on the server console, just not to the right person).

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Actually I just want an example of the proper formatting for the /tell command.


/tell Aerys Targaryen This is a test.


Isn't working.


Nor is


/tell Aerys Targaryen, This is a test.

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