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2 questions...


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1. How do i make doors open and close by themselfs on timers? I dont want PC's to be able to open them.



2. On a map im creating, there is a large room(A), when you walk through a door into room(A) i am getting rougly 90fps, however when i turn around, it drops to about 30fps -40fps. the reason for this that i conclude is because of the other room(B)behind that wall that leads into the main room(A). I think that the game is rendering the other room even though you cant physically see the room(B) when you are standing in room(A) facing room(B) with the doors shut


sorry if that sounds a little confusing :o



any idea of how to fix this problem? Also hehe i lied one more question, have any of you played the duel level sith ascenion? does anyone know how to make the energy beam in the middle of that temple?



thanks for the help

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1. Not sure what your asking... I think what you want to do is to target the door with the timer ( give the func_timer a corresponding "target" to the func_door's "targetname") then set the TOGGLE spawnflag on the func_door, so every time the timer activates it, it will open or shut. If you want it to open and then close every 2 seconds, you would then give the func_timer a "wait" value of 2. etc.


2. Yes, the engine still draws stuff beyond a door, you need to use an areaportal to fix this... I'm fairly new to Q3A mapping, but it looks to be even easier to make them in than in Q2...


Look here (Area Portals by Joel 'DeathMongrel' Caesar) for more info on APs.


Hope this helps you :)

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