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Resurrection Debate Update:

Guest Kurgan

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Well, I recorded the resurrection debate we had today at ISU, however I warn you that the tape quality isn't very good (you lose a few words here and there), so listen carefully. There is a RealAudio file (about 4 megs) uploaded to my server, and there will probably be an MP3 version uploaded in the next week, and perhaps a written transcript if anyone is interested.


It was held between Professor of Religion, Dr. Avalos and an anonymous student (we'll call him Mr. X). ; )


Avalos begins the debate by arguing in favor of the Resurrection of Jesus happening, and X reponds with his own arguments against it. Questions follow.



Resurrection of Jesus Debate: 2/16/00


Please do not use this for anything other than non-profit purposes. ; )


Comments welcome...




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Guest Darth Kurgan

Okay I'll say right now that it's harder than heck to figure out about half of the stuff X is saying. I was sitting in the back row (although it is a small room) so I wasn't able to pick up his voice as well, since he talked more quietly.


The transcript is coming along nicely though, I have it about half done.




[This message has been edited by Darth Kurgan (edited February 17, 2000).]

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Guest wizzywig

Thanks for doing the transcript. I listened to the RA file and it was a strain to make out large parts of it. I really am fascinated, though, in what the debators had to say.


BTW, Kurgan, do you transcribe manually or use a voice-input program? In my job, I do a fair amount of transcribing, and I've found Dragon NaturallySpeaking to be an enormous helping in increasing speed and reducing wear and tear on typing fingers and wrists. Accuracy is good, but not perfect (since I always rewrite what was said, the accuracy is good enough for my purposes).





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Guest Darth Kurgan

Part I:


Debate Transcript (by Kurgan, kurgan@iastate.edu)


Topic: "The Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Did it happen or not?"




(Total time: 31:52)




Dr. Hector Avalos, Professor of Religion (arguing for)


X, Anonymous Student (arguing against)


(transcription is done to the best of my ability, the tape quality is unfortunately poor, and some errors may occur)



Opening Statements



Dr. Hector Avalos:


I believe in the resurrection of Jesus because:

The story could only be a truth or a lie, and people are not going to die for a lie.


I believe in the resurrection of Jesus because:

The disciples were not the only ones who saw him alive. (?)


I believe in the resurrection of Jesus, X, because:

There [it] was, for everyone knew where Jesus was buried, his tomb sealed by a rock wall and guarded by the Romans, but yet, a few days later, it was empty. How do you explain that?


I believe in the resurrection of Jesus because:

You cannot otherwise explain how such a story, could have grown, and that in the fact that it could easily refuted, all you had to do was go to the tomb and see whether the body was there.


I believe in the resurrection of Jesus because:

You have infact hundreds of witnesses seeing him alive after his death, and even if any one of them was correct about what he saw, then you have the resurrection.


I believe in the resurrection of Jesus, X, because:

You cannot otherwise explain why skeptics like Thomas, and the Romans who converted would have done so unless there was sufficient evidence to compell their scepticism or overburden their scepticism.


I believe in the resurrection of Jesus, X, because:

Paul, this explains how Saul, who persecuted at first, was converted when he saw the living Jesus on the road to Damascus.


Oh I'm not done yet, X...


Because, I believe in the resurrection of Jesus because:


All the prophecies that were fulfilled to the letter.


Only an omniscient God would know what was going to happen here, X.


And I would believe those prophecies.


And finally, I believe in the resurrection of Jesus because:


I have seen the work of the living Jesus in our society.

I have seen the worst rapists and murderers turned into new creatures when they call upon the name of Jesus. So you'll have to convince me, as I see the work of the living Jesus every day with the work of Christians around the world.


And I can't believe that anyone is so sceptical that you don't believe the evidence. How would you respond to that?




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