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origin brush


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From what I can tell the origin brush is what is actually 'pulling' the brush along the path nodes. I ussualy just make a 2x2 square and place it in the center of the brush I want to move. I don't think it it just won't work if it's not exactly in the center. But your brush may be 'off' some if itsn't. That make sense? :)



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yeah but i've got a model (a ship) that gets drawn by the func_train when it spawns and im pretty sure that the origin brush will be the centre of the models spawn point


i need the model and the func_train (which is the models clip brush) to match up with exact locations so parts of the model arent walk through



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So measure the extents of the clip brush and center the origin brush there. I always use a 16x16 unit brush, as that seems easier for me to center. BTW, VERY, VERY creative use of a func_train. Bravo! Can;t wait to see that done......now, I'm off to go steal your idea! :)

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its kinda impossible to make the train_func (clip brush) and model (ship) match up prefectly by just getting them to spawn on top of each other when the trains activated (especially using a clip brush the size and difficult shape of a ship


but i found a pretty ingenious work around if u wanna hear it



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