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Adding A Model Audience For Multiplayer


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So, I was working on my Ice Cave map when someone suggested adding Desann frozen in a block of ice.


This got me wondering: How do you add people like Desann, Luke or Jan to a multiplayer map just to stand around and not do anything?


You could have an audience of people behind glass barriers watching the fight, like a martial arts tournament, Teras Kasi (for example) but with lightsabres and guns.


I was also interested in using such models for background, like guard/Stormtrooper corpses in a prison break map, for example.


1. What is the process for adding a 'model' of this type?


2. And how would you set the position they were put into (standing normally vs. dead on the floor)?

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Well, you could always export the model itself to some sort of 3d editor (not...sure...how you'd do that... I'm not familiar with modelling :D) and then make into an md3 to import... the char would just stand there (would look kinda stupid, IMO) but if you want them to just stand there, I think it would work.

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Since it would be non animated, could it not be imported as an object? Desann in ice would be like Han in the carbonite. I saw a millenium Falcon model has been released for map makers to use, so if it, like other ships can be added as static models couldnt this be done as well?



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no comment on what a crowd of desan's would do to framerate.


probably the only efficient way to do it is to make an animated texture somehow and cover up the fact it's a 2d image with lighting or windowing tricks.


just cutting and pasting a dozen copies of a fully animated model would be nothing more than eye candy.


eye candy is what ruins that one hangar duel map with the mirror floor.. learn a lesson from it. ;)

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Xzzy jus t made himself a WHOLE lot of sence. Adding just one model will increase your poly count by at least 4k.


Anyone remember the old Quake(1) Rocket arena MOD? they

had maps where the spectators were IN the maps....usualy looking down on the fight...now that was cool, but could never be done now adays, as the poly count for these models are quite high.

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All good points, especially the poly count.


As I'm not a modeller, I guess it will be up to someone else to sort this out. I can always have the Desann-icle stuck in a wall....


Alternatively, how about a brush made the right shape with simple versions of the character's textures on the sides? From a distance it might look alright.


Anyone got any bright ideas?

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Well, I was only thinking of an outline sort of shape, like a cardboard cut-out. If they were put in places where you could not stand around and see how unnatural they look (high up around the ceiling or something, for an audience) it would not be too bad.


How much difference would one simple model of one of the characters make? No animations, just fixed in position in one pose. A fully animated character model could be converted into a prefeb 'block' with the right textures, perhaps even with lowered polys.


Is this a reasonable idea or still much too poly-hogging?

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> How much difference would one simple

> model of one of the characters make?


Falls into the realm of any other complicated map decoration. One or two won't cause any problems whatsoever, 20, 50, or 100 probably would.

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Well, I only need one frozen Desann-icle, and my other ideas involving models are just four or five Bespin Guard corpses. So I have no real requirement for massive groups of models myself. I can't speak for anyone else, though.

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