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Shaders...Please help!!!


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I'm trying to create some shaders using shaderED2 and keep getting "Error 12 ... unexpected token line 1" what's the prob?

Does any body know where I can get some info on creating shaders from jpgs or a tutorial?


Thanks out there!!!

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What shader file are you trying to edit or are you making a new file? TIP: always make new shader files for your custom maps, don't add to or modify the existing ones. Anyway, this error happens when ShaderED encounters a character which it cannot understand or in some cases when {} are missing. Pretty obvious, huh? In your case it's line 1, so practically in the very beginning. You can open the file in Notepad and see if you find any weird signs there in the first line. (or you can post the code here if it's not to big)

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