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Multiplayer is just lame anymore


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The only thing worth playing are duel arena's with no force or throw turned on. The rest is just crap. All you have are:

  • People that spam pull/backstab. And backstab seems to have a hell of a radius I've noticed even when I pull it off.. move around more and just touch people with your laser shortly after you do the move, even people in FRONT of you, and you slay them all. Pathetic.
  • People that just run into mass fighting backwards hitting the ground in front of them, waiting for the backstab to kick in. :rollseyes:
  • People that just do the DFA over and over
  • People that just camp the rocket launchers (not as much of an issue, but it's a little annoying to win a game, or lose a game, to someone using rocket launchers and nothing more).
  • People that duel, but do nothing but run around and throw the saber when you try to attack.

I'm sure I left out a thing or two. Are these things counterable? Sure, I can play the same way. I can get just as many kills. I can even easily kill the lamers as much (if not more) than they kill me. The only problem is I tend to fall asleep at the keyboard when doing these moves, and invariably get killed because no one knows I'm actually sleeping. Fair? No, but I cannot stay away long enough to play the same way to counter the lamers. :rollseyes:


The most common excuse for spamming these moves: "they made it too hard to laser fight with 1.03, so they spam the backstab or DFA". Bull (although that's the biggest proof that said laming spammers really DO suck). Laser fights can be downright fun, assuming one or both is not just running around to pick up more health and shield power. Without using backstab, in a good fight you can take dowh your opponent with some good play.


I say they need to nerf the backstab, and the DFA, and any other crap move that is just spammed because the lamers spamming it doesn't have enough skill to fight any other way, and quite frankly they're no different than "griefers" who's biggest joy is just ruining the game for everyone else. Saber duels w/out spamming those cheap moves are just downright fun (although I must say, in 1 on 1 duels, be it in a duel arena, or a FFA arena where two people engage in a duel, backstab and DFA are SO much less of a problem.. but in FFA's, when people are constantly coming along, knocking people down, and using backstab to kill numerous people in mere seconds, is just plain STUPID).


I've lost most of my interest in playing multiplayer. Playing the computer is almost more fun for the only reason that you don't have any idiots that just spam the same broken move over and over again.


It's obvious almost every move that does severe damage needs to be nerfed, or you will always have some idiots that will do that ONE MOVE to the exlusion of 95% of the rest of their options.


Or perhaps make the credit you kill depend on how you kill someone. Kill them with a regular blaster? You get 3 kill credit. Kill them with a rocket launcher? 1/5 kill credit. Kill them with a standard medium followup chained move? 2 credit. Used a backstab? 1/5 kill credit. Force people to get more skills, and add more fun, rather than being lame griefers. This was just an example .. don't take the example numbers literally.


If they're not going to do any of this to deal with the lameness, then they need to add some device to shock you when you fall asleep at your own keyboard when you counter by playing the same way. Unfortunately I cannot keep it up as long as the lamers, because I, like many I presume, suffer from falling asleep at the keyboard from the intense boredom of such retarded gameplay. Until this is fixed, the non-dueling online portion of this game is just utter CRAP (unless you're lucky and dont get a single griefer in your game).

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for backstabbers i find its good if you jump away from them, or when they are backing towards you, throw your saber at their back.

Rocket Launcher abusers i usually just push the rockets back at them.

I haven't seena DFA spammer in a long time so i haven't needed to counter it.

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personally i beleive the DFA is fine as is, circumstances taht say so is taht you no longer have full control of your destination when you pull it off basically no manuevering and it leaves you pretty open to an attack once it is pulled off, a weapon so destructive has its disadvantages.


as for the backstab, its full of crap, i also did a little experimenting and sure to behold it his a deadly tactic and may gain a lot of frags in the long run, it needs to be toned down if not that then it needs a disadvantage such as the new and improved DFA.


these problems typically reoccur in FFA matches, the DFA is very avoidable, just dont fight in a large crowd such as that which will leave you open for an attack from a DFA, with backstab sorry cant help you there unless it is toned down cause its pretty much gameover if your in a crowd with a lamer pulling off a yellow\red backstab

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