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Backstab biggest flaw in game


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I play alot of NF 1 on 1 saber duels , i'm not a half bad player .


I've won fights and lost fights , alot because of 1 move , backstab.


This is the only game I've played where out maneuvering your opponent is a bad thing....


If I prove to be the faster, more skilled player and can get from infront of my oponent to his undefended backside , I should be rewarded with a kill, or atleast do some considerable damage on my blow.


Instead what you get rewarded with is a fatal hit if you don't get away in time.


You start a duel with 100 health and 25 armor , I've had my oponent beaten on every turn and had them to 2 health, but when I go to make my last little stab, I suddenly drop to this overpowered , unblockable move in 1 hit from full everything.


The concequenses of allowing your opponent to get behind you should be grave indeed, instead it's a players saving grace most times.


It rewards skill with potential instant death....



In reality the backstab should be more of a finesse move to finish a weakened oponent.


It should be a move that keeps you in the fight when your caught from behind, it shouldn't finish a fight that you are losing...


It's 1 problem is it's excessive damage, being able to down you or your enemy even at full health.


2 , it's virtually UNblockable


3 , it doesn't always have to be from behind... If your within saber range and any part of you is towards your opponents back , it can be pulled off.


You can be swinging at his exposed side and then die to a backstab that you watch pass in front of you..


Even today I finished an oponent with a backstab I somehow executed WHILE JUMPING.... I leapt over him and thrust the saber behind me , and finished it just as I was landing.


This move has to be completely revamped IMO, and you must remember this games duels are about skill vs skill, and being OUTskilled shouldn't be a GOOD thing...

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yeah and two weeks ago you were probably crying that DFA was too powerful and is ruining the game.


adapt or die, stop trying to get everything nerfed.


People like you have their way, by 1.05 we're all gonna run around duel serverrs bonking each other with whiffle ball bats.

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You know, I would hate to die from that too. But you've got to change or else you'll keep dying that way. You have to think, and know when NOT to be a dumbass and stop getting behind them.


The only problem I see with backstab is when someone pushes you down and does it to you as you get up. But even that can be countered.


If you see something you hate.. start fighting back, find something new to destroy it with. Don't just whine because your old tactics don't work.

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DFA was too powerful and thankfully it got nerfed.


Backstab is too powerful and hopefully will also get nerfed.


One-hit kills are no fun for either attacker or defender unless you're an 8 year old that likes running around maps backwards.

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I love how nobody read my post right through....


In the post I state I use it alot, and win with it alot, and yes I have adapted to it and know how to evade it so stfu...


Also I never complained about DFA , why? probly because you can dodge it, and if you let some big SLOW obvious move hit you , your a dumbass.... a simple roll or straff will take you out of harms way, and after they leave themselves WIDE open...


Even trade off if you ask me...



My complaint about backstab is players are rewarded for be slower than their oponents. Swing all you want at a players front, if they arn't attacking they will block every swing.


Swing and counter to the side, catch them off guard and you can land a nice blow.... wham you drop as you watch their lightsaber pass infront of you stabbing behind them. You are beside them however so your fine right...?


Nope your laying on the floor in a heap lol.


It's buggy as hell still if you watch it, even as a spectator in matches. Sometimes it will miss completely and it will still kill the guy...


Other times backstab will suddenly work even if no1 is behind the player and on medium/strong styles it looks like a regular sweep move . Why dodge something you think your going to block?


Different things like that , or my fluke jump spin, backstab in midair.


Backstab is supposed to have a very strict requirement of positions to be used , and those prerequisites are buggy right now. Combine that with it's sheer unblockable power and you have an overpowered move.



And yes I dodge backstabs constantly, regular ones, it's the fluke ones that go off when you are beside or sometimes even infront of your oponent that get you. Your not expecting something that shouldn't be able to happen so you don't react quick enough alot of the time.


So either 1)Lower it's damage

2)Make it blockable

3)Fix it's coding so it only works when the player is directly behind you. Not off to the side, not in front, but hugging your butt and stabbing you in the spine.


Being able to get behind someone should be a good thing not a fatal one , period.

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DFA was too powerful and thankfully it got nerfed.


Backstab is too powerful and hopefully will also get nerfed.


One-hit kills are no fun for either attacker or defender unless you're an 8 year old that likes running around maps backwards.


No...hopefully they will empower the other moves, and fix the hit detection bugs that backstab has since it seems to be able to hit you while you're well away from it.

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> I love how nobody read my post right through....


Then maybe you need to learn how to state your points and opinions clearly.


Your post read like an average "I suck backstab is too strong" post.


If you're angry that backstab is buggy, then state that. If you're angry that it's too powerful, then state that. Trying to mix the two and expecting people to correctly decipher what you're trying to say is just going to make you look foolish.

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You're kidding, right????


The Backstab sucks, but there's a VERY easy way to kill it. Out Manuever your foe with Force Sped. Make sure your Force SPeed is still occuring when you strike, then Force Jump up above him.


If done correctly, you should Dart in behind him, Strike, Flip over, and strike again. He won't pull the Backstab off until you're in midair! Believe me, it's tried & true.

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When you get pulled down you can almost never escape your doom. but i don't mind just stand still and you don't get pulled down or jump or roll.

what's really annoying is that when you run to the front of a backstabber that you also get hit how is this possible that's just bad programming.

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