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help me bow to you respectfully


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Greetings....i have seen a player bow...like really bow his head, not just crouch. If someone would please be so kind as to tell me how to do this (is there a command to bind, or what) i would be most thankfull.


OneDrop bows respectfully to the master jedi who helps him...

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You can really bow a ton of different ways.


Just remember that moving your mouse makes your character's upper body portion of the model move to whereever you're looking toward. So looking downward makes your character point himself toward the floor.


If you crouch while doing this it looks like a more respectful bow. That's what I usually do.




But don't go around bowing all over the place or you'll get your ass handed to you. People in MP don't usually have much respect for stuff like that, which is ok, but if you play on a Duel server or something like that, then it's a good time for bowing.

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I have also seen people bowing in a way that reminds me of Kendo, one of the martial arts - "Way of the Sword"


This is where your sabers are off, approach, while maintaining "eye" contact crouch, then a short nod to opponent never taking your eyes off each other, draw blades, and then finally stand.

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you don't understand......i always bow using crouch or mouse movement......this guy REALLY DID BOW>>>>>>as in cmd bow kinda way.....i swear....it couldn't have only looked that way....it was genuine .....the MAN DID BOW!!!!! :)

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