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What were your fastest times?

Guest cyberjoe

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Guest cyberjoe

I like to race laps with different pods to see how fast I can achieve on certain tracks. I like short tracks so I can replay them over and over again. What were your fastest times for the first two tracks in the game?


Boonta Training Course

Ben Quadrinaros

1:43:450 - 3 laps

33.180 - 1 lap


Mon Gazza Speedway

Neva Kee

47.090 - 3 laps

'Bullseye' Navior

15.138 - 1 lap




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Guest Chipmunkfan

Oh god...here we go again...



This breaking commentary has been brought to you by Clorox Bleach...Gets your whites whiter and your colors...colorless!

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Guest Commander 598

Was there something I missed in my 100 years of deactivation? biggrin.gif



I like to defeat my opponents the old fashioned way...Brutaly

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Guest Darth Crater

Cyberjoe, I think what everyone is trying to tell you is that times have been posted, and reposted, and posted again, long ago. But if you go to my brothers website, he has fastest times for himself (roguetwo) and theahnfahn, who is considered to be one of, if not THE fastest podracer. Here's the link: http://www.roguetwo.iwarp.com/times.htm

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