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WARNING: node without a volume HELP PLEASE


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WARNING: node without a volume

node has 3 tiny portals

node reference point -538.17 -395.79 -1083.78


thats the error i get when i compile my map i can't go to those pionts cuz it can only have one view at a time so i always can't move on axis

this error seems to casue certain brushes to disappear but still cast shadows i atempted to delete the brush but when i replace them it just does it again please help me so i can release my map thx

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AFAIK, that ususally means that you have either a really tiny or really big brush somewhere in your map. Seems you have a really tiny one. So, I would find that aproximate point in your map, make a large brush to surround it, and use the 'select inside' option to hopefully get a hold of the bad brush.

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