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Speed Record

Guest Zerstorer

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Guest Zerstorer

1166 mph. Use Neva Kee's podracer with a fully upgraded thrust coil. On OovoIV, you must use a boost just as you enter one of the zero G tunnels. But, you say, what about the rocks? The third tunnel on Executioner has no rocks, just a sarlac, so be careful.


You can initiate a boost by spinning (What would normally be the stand on side command)and angling your engines downward.


I have my proof on a videocasette. I watched the footage from my N64 in slow motion.

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Guest roguetwo

Benny Q gets over 1200, maybe 1300. I forget, I haven't played for a couple months.



Being a Jedi is an easy task!!---

All it will take is to have a father who was a little strong in the force, then you have to find his lightsaber, and then you acquire force powers just like stickers in a couple of days. Isn't that so easy!!

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Guest Blue Meanie

Yo, I have the PC version of the game and I have gotten a higher speed on that same track as Anakin with his top speed jacked up all the way and accelleration at it's highest, and I stay alive!!! I haven't played the game in a while, so I'll play it one more time and give you my speed.



I'm Invincible!!!


The Blue Meanie



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Guest RogueOne

Let's see, I have gotten up to 1,203 M.P.H. It was on ice while I had the boost on and I was using "Bullseye" Navior. I forget which track though.


If, anyone is wondering why I haven't posted for a L-O-N-G time, it's becasue I have been very busy lately. I've been doing a lot of stuff with my friends and I have stacks and stacks of homework. AND MY BIRTHDAY WAS ON FEBUARY 17th!!!!!!!!!!


(I updated my profile today, take a look)





Fear, fear attracts the fearfull; the strong, the weak, the insolent. Fear, fear is my ally - Darth Maul


[This message has been edited by RogueOne (edited February 24, 2000).]


[This message has been edited by RogueOne (edited February 24, 2000).]

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest RogueOne

Make my speed record 1,280 miles per hour. It was with Ben Quad, in the second anti-grav tunnel on the race excecutioner.



Fear, fear attracts the fearfull; the strong, the weak, the insolent. Fear, fear is my ally - Darth Maul




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