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Noob here, in need of some advice


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lo all


im pretty new to the game (only got it at the weekend).

ive learnt a few tricks quite quickly and know the basic ways to fight. i have a few questions however


1. after reading these forums i would like to know how u can tell ppl are script kiddies and wtf does DFA mean??


2. when i play a get knocked to the ground then before i can get up my opponent slays me with a big swing before i can get up. ive tried this but my big swing from the red stance isnt fast enuff, how do ppl do it??


3. ive seen a lot of ppl pull off big swings and backstabs etc, if some1 could tell me the keyboard combinations to these moves i would be grateful.


thx in advance :)

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It's mostly timing, and how long you take to get up.


Try mashing the jump button to get up before they swing at you when your down.



Ohh and backstab , any strength , is just back and primary attack when someone is behind you.

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