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Second Level, and I am Stuck.


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I am stuck on the second level at the orr processing place. I think I am supposed to jump onto one of those floating carts that seem to travel to another part of the level. I don't know what else to do. I am 'almost' sure that I have gone everywhere on that part of the level. It seems to me that the only thing left to do is to somehow jump onto one of the floating carts, but I just remembered while typing that there is a locked door in a large storage place that I haven't been able to unlock. Someone help me, please. I don't want to cheat to get past this part because it takes the fun out of the experience.

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Well technically you are cheating, because you want help on this level without working it out yourself. :rolleyes:


But hey, try this link it takes you to one of the spoilers from Raven.


This problem crops up time and time again along with some others, try reading through some of the other posts to see if your question has been answered before. :)

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