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SP Help - Black Droid Jedi


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Just asking for a bit of help here. In single player, I have gotten to the point where I have to face these two Black, lightsaber weilding android jedi freaks. I remember skywalker saying something about metal that was resitant to lightsabers. Are they resistant. I have almost used my lightsaber exclusively, except for sniper shots. I don't want to give it up. Are they completely unaffected, or can you eventually get them with the lightsaber.


Thanks for any suggestions. If I have to give up my lightsaber, I will have to just switch to multiplayer.



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I doubt they're very resistant at all - perhaps 10-15% reduced damage with the lightsaber, but nothing fully resistant as indicated by cutscenes, etc. Just kill them with your lightsaber and move on.


If I have to give up my lightsaber, I will have to just switch to multiplayer.


That's a ridiculously extreme response.. did you try killing them? Anyways, see above..

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