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Whats your modeling method.


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Whats your modeling method?


Just a simple question I am asking to you modelers out there what ways do you go about creating your model.


How do you guys feel about mirroring models. Like only creating half of it the mirroring it and fitting the other side.

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All my models start off as primitives, then I extrude, weld, turn edges, and create new polys to get the shapes I need. Once one side of the model is done, mirror it and adjust as needed. Usually I will then assign it to a skeleton and animate before texture mapping, just to make sure the mesh deforms correctly. Once that is done, I will map the adjusted mesh, then assign it to a skeleton, and export. Done!

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I start usually with a box and work with that. For legs and arms I sometimes start with a cylinder.

What I find helpful is to take a front and side reference picture and place that as the background of the viewport. Then I adjust the model from front and side until it matches the basic shape.


I agree with Librarian about mirroring. I work on 1 side of a model the duplicate & mirror it and then I do the same thing again until I'm happy. Then I just weld the 2 sides together.

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yea i basically do the same, but im a little more timid, due to a strange phobia of modeling human or human like models. i thinks its understandable because if you have done things incorrectly on a human-like model everyone knows and sees it as opposed to some creature youve come up with.


so my method i think is the least skilled one coudl possibly get to. i have drawn some type of concept for the model usualy a front view for humans (side view for creatures). then scan th image and take it into photoshop, i then plan how many stacks and slices of a cylinder i will need to achive the detail i wish within the given max amount. drawing over the image and basically playing connect the dots to understand the overall mesh. i usually end up copy pasting body sections (ie: torso, leg, arm) of the concept art to other parts of the picture and continue diagraming. then if i feel i need more planning i draw/diagram the side views of certain parts. i use milkshape so the image has to be reduced to 256x256 indexed so i dont get great quality, if i used max i dont think i woudl have to draw over as much as i do. well then load it into milkshape and tweak the cylinders, mirroring body parts every so often to check overall proportions.


its methodicall and planned so i dont get indimidated by the process. although it lacks in the amount of detail one coudl get with primatives and extruding.



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I've been playing JediKnight2 for a few years. Now, I'd like to try modelling my own character. Does anyone know where can I find information on how to model? Reading this thread seems to show it's pretty complicated. Any recommendations on what to read or what modelling programs to use would help? School's almost out and I have ALL summer to try this. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Thanks, The Herder

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You've been playing Jedi Outcast for a few YEARS?? Wow! ;)


sorry ..


Ummm .. If you wan't to model in Jedi Outcast you'll need a few things ... erm


- A 3D Imaging program - 3dstudio, gmax, milkshape

- The Jedi Outcast editing tools (released by Raven)

- Maybe some tutorials or books on modelling

- Definately Spacermonkey's JO modelling tutorial...

- Patience!!


anything I've missed??

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Originally posted by The Librarian

You've been playing Jedi Outcast for a few YEARS?? Wow! ;)


sorry ..


Ummm .. If you wan't to model in Jedi Outcast you'll need a few things ... erm


- A 3D Imaging program - 3dstudio, gmax, milkshape

- The Jedi Outcast editing tools (released by Raven)

- Maybe some tutorials or books on modelling

- Definately Spacermonkey's JO modelling tutorial...

- Patience!!


anything I've missed??




Yeah, lots of PEPSI

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Opps. My son just informed me of my mistake. JediKnight DARK FORCES is what I've been playing, not Outcast. :rolleyes: Still, we plan to try and do our own model, so thanks for the advice. I'll check out the sites. Also, Outcast is apparently a must buy, I guess.:fett:

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