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Two problems, One....


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...I get this error: WARNING:

Couldn't find image for shader noshader

WARNING: node without a volume

node has 2 tiny portals

node reference point 2208.00 -385.77 175.98


******* leaked *******



when I compile, and when I try to find the reference point, I realize I can't because of the view change to get the Y axis. My map is almost finished (it's big) and if I can just get this part fixed, I could release my map. I think because of this error, I get the following error when I test my .bsp of the map in JK2. The error comes right after I try to load the map in the game and is:


CM_InlineModel: bad number.


The other problem I have is, when I used that .md3 model of the M falcon that was posted here recently, I can see all the texture and the ship fine in the editor, but when the map loads, the ship is textureless! I would appreciate any help you could give me on either problem.



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Can't anyone help me here?? Hasn't anyone else run into either of these problems and have some solution?? I have a really fun Hoth map, and if I could get some help, I could finish it and release it. Thanks,



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Sounds like you've got 3 different errors there.


1. "noshader". Seems like you're missing the noshader texture. Check if all your texture paths are ok. If a shader (besides the noshader one) is missing you will be able to see wich once you manage to do a compile. If no shader is missing in-game then ignore this error.


2. "node without volume". This means that you've got a brush with a face that's smaller than 1x1 unit. This could be because you've done some vertex dragging or *gasp* CSG subtraction, and therefore created "remnant" invisible brushes. (btw, do NEVER use CSG-subtract, if you're not absolutely sure of what you're doing). The solution is to run "bobTools Brush Cleanup" that is available in the plugins folder in GtkRadiant.


3. You've also got a leak. The compile process should have created a .prt file. Load it by choosing "Pointfile..." in the File menu. Then follow the red line, and you will find the leak.


// Grudge

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question grudge or anyone, I've never used Gtkradiant and I'm wondering will my map work with it? Is the plugin you mentioned part of Gtkrad or is it something additional I need to dl and install? Also, if you could give a link to where I could dl both, I would greatly apprecitate it. Thanks!

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My second problem as posted above, is regarding the Millenium Falcon model that I downloaded from this site (mell.md3) and I still have the same problem of when I look at it in Radiant, I can see the ship fine textures and all. But when I load the game, the ship is there but there are no textures on it..it's just white! I would appreciate any thoughts or ideas on how to fix this.




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Originally posted by SunBurN

Also, is one more stable when it's finished compiling than the other?


There is really no way of telling w/o trying. It depends on many things such as hardware/software configuration. For me, they both have been relatively stable only JKradiant seems slower.


As for the textures, do you have them in the same directory as the model? Where did you get it, btw?

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Hmm, everything should be in base/models/map_objects/ships/ directory. If you are running MP, make sure you 've set sv_pure to 0. Also, are you using misc_model or misc_model_breakable?

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Originally posted by SunBurN

I'm using misc_model, and how do you set sv_pure to 0? What does that do?


Ah-ha. ;)

sv_pure set to 0 will allow the game to load stuff (such as textures) which are not in the pk3. Open the console and type:

/sv_pure 0


Then load your map.

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