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New Map Pack!


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Hey. I just wanted to inform everyone of a new map pack that is out. It's called Jedi Outcast Maps Duel Map Pack #1. It's available for download at http://www.jedioutcastmaps.com . This map pack includes eight of some of the best duel maps currently out. Check out the site to see all the maps that are in the map pack and also to see some screenshots of all the maps. Any comments posted would be appreciated. Thanks.




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by the way if you guys want to know what we put for the criteria for the map it would be the following, this goes with the upcoming ffa map pack


[*]maps that were approrpriate for the gameplay mode (dueling in this case) not to big as so you woul stray away from the battle but not to small where you would be cramped

[*]didn't cause major FPS droppage

[*]nice environment

[*]good constistancy of the level all around



hope you guys like it.

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