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Is there any way to get my server to run the saber realistic combat???

Ten Tigers

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Im trying to set something up for a LAN party. Everyone knows everyone and nobody is worried about anybody running god mode. It's the standing rule. "Give all" is kool but "god" is forbidden.


Here is the problem. I start the server then console in "devmap XXX" and the server resets into cheat enablement. No problem there. god, noclip, give all, they all seem to work. The only thing I cant seem to get to function is the g_saberrealisticcombat 1 code. Does anyone know what the problem is? Is there some kind of alternative MP command I need to be using for realistic sabers?

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I don't think there is a way in MP of getting actual realisticcombat (ie hacking people in half, heads off etc) although you CAN enable 100% normal dismemberment.

On the server the commands are

/g_dismember 100 (i think this number is the % chance of a lopped off hand)

/cg_dismember 1


All the clients should then do

/g_dismember 1


My memory isn't exact, it might be dismemberment instead of dismember (use tab to find out :p )


Hope this was of help...

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how the dismemberment works is both in the server setting and the client setting.


IE I have played on a few servers since I got cg_dismember to work (BTW once you set it to 1,2, or 3 ETC it stays on so you never have to type it in again, and so long as the server is running dismemberment it will be on too).


In these servers I found that with dismember set to 3 I get the most SP like dismemberment on overage. 1 works but I think that acts more like the normal SP dismemberment (not the cheat code dismemberment).


the main difference between MP and SP dismemberment?


In SP putting dismemberment on will make your saber do more and more damage based on the setting I think. In MP this doesn't happen. A good solid hit without it turned on will do no more than with it turned on.

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Yeah, I got that much to work. But thanks anyway. I was hopping to get the ultra damaging sabers to work. Bummer.


It all relates to the new topic I just posted about guns still owning sabers damage wise...


Oh well, maybe someone else out there can help...

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