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51 kills FFA


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Here is something for you to ponder (NO FLAMERS) I play this game pretty well. And was a monster at SOF. I'll add to what others have said you got the lamers, noobs, and experts in games. It's the usual comments weapon noob, quit usin the push slash, all that b.s. Well I remember when SOF was out that they made a aim bot and it was pretty noticible. The other day I was playing on one of the servers. And wasn't winning but was having fun. On come 2 ppl from clans and racked up 51 kills in 7 minutes. Now alot of ppls first conclusion is "cheaters" especially since there were only 8 ppl on the map and there weren't alot of tight groupings. But I have racked up alot of fast kills (not that many) Any opinoins on what is a realisitic number before you know that there is something weird going on.

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51 kills between the two of them? Let's do the math...


51 kills over 7 minutes means 7.28 kills per minute.


Say it's between the two of them, that's 3.64 kills per minute for each one, or just over one kill each every 20 seconds or so. Depending on the Map, it could take 20 seconds to REACH another one of the six players they could kill, but if it were Raven labs or something else tight and small...


I think those numbers work, but only if they were spamming the Pull backstab/swing move over and over. Was it a Saber only server, or were other weapons allowed?

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i'm not sure an aimbot in jk2 would work too well since an aimbot can't take into account the position of the opponent's saber and the defense it provides.


more likely they are just heavily scripted to spam special attacks and they're smart enough to exploit them flawlessly.

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So that's over 7 kills a minute.

One kill every 8.2 seconds (or thereabouts).


Saber only? Or with weapons.


You can get a lot of kills quick if you shoot a volley of three or more rockets and follow that up with some spam lightning...especially if you are launching into a group of people.


If it's saber only try to find them again and make a demo, I'd love to see that...

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if people were clustering up in the map then that number wouldn't be too far out.


As far as I know, there aren't any cheats worth mentioning for jk2. There's a few weird things like jumping to the sky on one of the ctf maps, but nothing that's going to help you get kills.


Use of force lighting on groups of players can also account for numbers that high.

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come now, fellas--i have hit over 10 kills/minute plenty of times. for someone to do it 8 kpm for 7 minutes is impressive, but not impossible. i always look at people in this manner: "what is the easiest/fastest way to kill that person?" btw, i refuse to use backstab/slash and lightning. there are other ways to kill people fast, yanno? >=P

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