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ArtifeX's official *ASC* challenge server Live


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The official *ASC* challenge/training server is now open for business. Here's the server info:


"ArtifeX's *ASC* Challenge/Training Center"


10 player Max

Jedi Master Force Level

version 1.03


I'll be posting a regular schedule of when I plan to be in the server on the *ASC* site, so stop by if you'd like to challenge me or just get some advice.



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Hey Arti....just a quick question about ASC in general...


I was on over the weekend, a couple of servers here and there, and I fought against a couple of people with ASC tags in their names.


Now, I know you hate all of the litte formalities a lot of players use, bowing, not attacking if the saber isn't lit etc etc, but what about when the icon is flashing over your head showing you're typing something?


I had an ASC'er take me out with a DFA while I was talking to another player, trying to arrange a duel. (that's essentially the only time anyone stands still long enough to make a DFA connect these days anyway) and I must admint, even though it was a FFA server, I was a tad peeved.


I mean I was helpless, couldn't move, couldn't even see the attack coming, I was typin' for God's sake... I said to the guy, "Hey, I was typing there" and all he'd reply was "ASC, man, ASC".


I can understand getting pissed off at the little BS that other player's put together, but they put in that icon for a reason in 1.03.


What do you think ArtifeX?

(by the way, I'll be checking out your server, sounds like fun)


Does the ASC tag confer the blanket concept that the purpose of the game is to kill anyone, anywhere, no matter what?


I mean, I've learned my lesson now. If I want to type something I'll join the spectators first...just seemed a cheesey kill to me. (of course being on the receiving end didn't help) ;)

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Originally posted by tempest8008

Hey Arti....just a quick question about ASC in general...


I was on over the weekend, a couple of servers here and there, and I fought against a couple of people with ASC tags in their names.


Now, I know you hate all of the litte formalities a lot of players use, bowing, not attacking if the saber isn't lit etc etc, but what about when the icon is flashing over your head showing you're typing something?


I had an ASC'er take me out with a DFA while I was talking to another player, trying to arrange a duel. (that's essentially the only time anyone stands still long enough to make a DFA connect these days anyway) and I must admint, even though it was a FFA server, I was a tad peeved.


I mean I was helpless, couldn't move, couldn't even see the attack coming, I was typin' for God's sake... I said to the guy, "Hey, I was typing there" and all he'd reply was "ASC, man, ASC".


I can understand getting pissed off at the little BS that other player's put together, but they put in that icon for a reason in 1.03.


What do you think ArtifeX?

(by the way, I'll be checking out your server, sounds like fun)


I generally don't kill anyone with the console icon over their head because that doesn't help me get any better at the game--which is my main goal. Sometimes my goal is to have the highest score in an FFA. In that case, if the scores are close enough, i might start killing anything i can find, even people who are typing. That's never happened thus far, though.


Do I mind when someone with the *ASC* tag is taking advantage of somebody being AFK or typing? Not really. The core of *ASC* is it's "anti-rule" rule: if the gametype allows it, then it's fair game. This isn't to piss anyone off, though that can be fun sometimes if you really have a distaste for someone, but is instead to maximize your own enjoyment of the game. If you love killing AFK's, then go for it. You plunked down your $50 bucks just like everyone else, so play how you want.


My advice to you would be that when confonted by someone who's willing to kill you while you're typing, then either run off to an unpopulated part of the map to type, or type really fast. Or, if you're clever, you can fake the guy out by hitting your console key a couple of times to lure him in to where you can reap some revenge.


The point is, don't get mad, get even--revenge is FUN.


Does the ASC tag confer the blanket concept that the purpose of the game is to kill anyone, anywhere, no matter what?


I mean, I've learned my lesson now. If I want to type something I'll join the spectators first...just seemed a cheesey kill to me. (of course being on the receiving end didn't help) ;)


No, the purpose of the *ASC* tag is to proclaim that you're there to play the game your way within the confines of the gametype.


I agree though, killing someone while typing is a pretty lame kill, but if their purpose is to get as many kills as possible, then that kill is just as good as a hard-earned one.

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Originally posted by ArtifeX

... Or, if you're clever, you can fake the guy out by hitting your console key a couple of times to lure him in to where you can reap some revenge.





That's it, you're going to Hell!



That is a wicked thing to do, mean and vicious and cruel and deceitful and a bunch of other synonyms for "bad". I'll have to remember that one.


Thanks ArtifeX.

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Originally posted by tempest8008





That's it, you're going to Hell!



That is a wicked thing to do, mean and vicious and cruel and deceitful and a bunch of other synonyms for "bad". I'll have to remember that one.


Thanks ArtifeX.


There's already a warm niche in Hades with my name on it. There's a computer there where I'll have to play 1.03 forever with no hope of a patch.

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Ahh yes! More evil tactics! (making a mental note) BuwaaAAhaHAHAHAahHahAHA!


I am studying the Artifex way so intently that I should be getting some college credit for it!


RE: You plunked down your $50 bucks just like everyone else, so play how you want.


The problem is this. I will wager that most of the "problem" people did not plunk down any cash for JKII, except for maybe a blank CD.


As for the server, I will definitely check it out. Is it always going to be a duel server or are you going to rotate the game types? (The waiting in line to duel just bores me to tears)

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Originally posted by BrainStorm

Ahh yes! More evil tactics! (making a mental note) BuwaaAAhaHAHAHAahHahAHA!


I am studying the Artifex way so intently that I should be getting some college credit for it!


RE: You plunked down your $50 bucks just like everyone else, so play how you want.


The problem is this. I will wager that most of the "problem" people did not plunk down any cash for JKII, except for maybe a blank CD.


As for the server, I will definitely check it out. Is it always going to be a duel server or are you going to rotate the game types? (The waiting in line to duel just bores me to tears)


When I'm in there i might be convinced to do a team ffa or something. Straight FFA's usually too chaotic to get any valuable practice from.

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you considered doing "wacky" force configurations at all?


The logic being, you force people to think differently when they plot out their fights by enabling and disabling unorthodox force configurations.


For example, some folks i know have their server set to almost no force, but they did enable force push. it forces me to dream up ways of using that force push to create a weakness, when normally I would rely on absorb or maybe pull.


stuff like that, maybe shut off absorb and lightning for a night and see if people come up with something new. or shut off push/pull/throws and leave in the light/dark powers.


or run it through a random number generator and see what comes up. ;)

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