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REQ: Reborn outfit


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So here's the deal: Septic Child was kind enough to place my face on a Reborn model about a month ago. Mucho gracias again, Septic, if you're reading this... Anyway, it needs a robe since the one he supplied was from someone else's skin and that person didn't want it being re-used.


Right now I've got the character using Fetal Ice Cream's Darth Maul robe but I'd really rather he have one that is original and specific just to him- plus I never asked permission. (The character hasn't been released on the net or anything so I figure that's okay).


Now, I suck at the texturing/drawing/everything Photoshop. Bad. Real bad. Is there anyone I could enlist to come up with a robe for me? Nothing fancy, just a dark-colored (plus red and blue for CTF) robe. If so, please email me at del@reid.cx.


Here's a screenie: http://www.reid.cx/images/screenshots/sotw.jpg

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