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lightsabre combos?


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To all experts-


Could you please list some specific button/swing patterns for lightsabre combos in medium attack style (or whichever style you prefer)? I can't seem to string any together, although admitedly, I'm pretty new.


Is there any particular combo strategy to employ, or are they best acheived by holding down attack and strafing/moving fowards and backwards?


Thanks very much!

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> please list some specific button/swing patterns for

> lightsabre combos in medium attack


There really aren't that many, and even of the ones that are there are of dubious usefulness. For the most part the "secret" to chaining attacks is to alter your movement at the start of an attack.


Meaning, you press strafe left, press and hold attack, then press right, and the next attack will chain into whatever the strafe right attack would be.


It seems as if every combination of movement keys has something bound to it. I don't normally use them though because I prefer to be defenseless as little as possible.


One I do know works is pressing backwards and either left or right, it can trigger a very slow spin move that's borrowed (I believe) from the red stance. Range is quite poor however but it is visually impressive.


> or are they best acheived by holding down

> attack and strafing/moving fowards and

> backwards?


That's the best way to trigger combos, but not the best way to stay alive.


The best duelists will be the ones who stay defensive (ie, don't attack) until they know an opening will be available, then time their swing to make use of it. Whether or not the attack does damage or not, he then breaks the attack, goes back to being defensive, and attempts to lure the opponent into making another defense hole.


Holding down the attack button does make you dangerous to get close to (which I suppose is a form of defense), but it makes you immensely vulnerable to incoming attacks and will likely get you killed.


In other words the folks that relentlessly spam blue stance are crappy duelists, relying on luck instead of skill.

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Body Thrust

Crouch+Forward+Secondary Attack

This should cause you to lunge out ande "Force Push" your lightsaber away and back.




This allows you to strafe-Flip to the right and slash downwards at the same time.


Mono e Mono

(Strong Style Only)


When pressed quickly, this combo will allow you to rocket forward and spear your opponent with a near-unblockable blow.




When used repetetively, this combo will allow you to weave through your opponent's attempts to block your saber. Medium or Fast Style Recommended.



While running, hit Crouch+Right (OR Left) +Attack

You should run into your opponent with a rolling-strafe (A diagonal roll) and swipe at their legs at the same time.


Forward Backflip

While running forward, press Forward+Back+Forward+Jump+Attack

If executed correctly, you will backflip over your opponent in style, but forward. You should hit him ooverhead while flipping, and upon landing, press one of the strafe buttons and attack while facing away from your opponent and you should land, spin, and swipe.


:c3po: :c3po: :c3po: :c3po: :c3po:

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Originally posted by Chuahtemoc





Body Thrust

Crouch+Forward+Secondary Attack

This should cause you to lunge out ande "Force Push" your lightsaber away and back.




This allows you to strafe-Flip to the right and slash downwards at the same time.


Mono e Mono

(Strong Style Only)


When pressed quickly, this combo will allow you to rocket forward and spear your opponent with a near-unblockable blow.




When used repetetively, this combo will allow you to weave through your opponent's attempts to block your saber. Medium or Fast Style Recommended.



While running, hit Crouch+Right (OR Left) +Attack

You should run into your opponent with a rolling-strafe (A diagonal roll) and swipe at their legs at the same time.


Forward Backflip

While running forward, press Forward+Back+Forward+Jump+Attack

If executed correctly, you will backflip over your opponent in style, but forward. You should hit him ooverhead while flipping, and upon landing, press one of the strafe buttons and attack while facing away from your opponent and you should land, spin, and swipe.


:c3po: :c3po: :c3po: :c3po: :c3po:


Ah, hate to break this to you but some of those are a bit off and others are just plain wrong.


"Body Thrust" -- all you're doing is crouching and throwing your saber. Why crouch? That's not a combo, either.


"Incoming" -- that's the Medium Finisher. It's not done the way you describe, either. It's (enemy close in front) Forward+Jump+Attack.


"Mano e Mano" -- What you're attempting to describe here is the Light Lunge. It's simply Crouch, Forward+Attack. It's not a combo, either.


"Pattern" -- That actually is a combo, but it doesn't affect your opponent's ability to block in any way, nor does it have any advantages over any other combo.


"Rollstrafe" -- Um, you can't attack until you finish a roll. This won't do anything but roll around.


"Forward Backflip" -- The Backflip forward attack is done like this: Back+Jump, Forward+attack. Pressing one of the strafe keys and attacking after you land will not make you spin around. What you're trying to do is the Medium/Strong backsweep. That's done by: (enemy close behind) Back+Attack.

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Hey Artifex-


You seem to be the resident expert here, and you are from Atlanta, where the playas play. Aside from the left-foward-right-foward + attack combo, are there any others you wouldn't mind sharing/do you know of a linked site with combos listed? I wouldn't want to steal any secrets or anything, but my skills need a major upgrade.


Thanks, man,



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Originally posted by JC999

Hey Artifex-


You seem to be the resident expert here, and you are from Atlanta, where the playas play. Aside from the left-foward-right-foward + attack combo, are there any others you wouldn't mind sharing/do you know of a linked site with combos listed? I wouldn't want to steal any secrets or anything, but my skills need a major upgrade.


Thanks, man,




Yeah, mine. But not just yet--I'm still working on it. Keep an eye on my site for its release:



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Originally posted by Chuahtemoc





Body Thrust

Crouch+Forward+Secondary Attack

This should cause you to lunge out ande "Force Push" your lightsaber away and back.




This allows you to strafe-Flip to the right and slash downwards at the same time.


Mono e Mono

(Strong Style Only)


When pressed quickly, this combo will allow you to rocket forward and spear your opponent with a near-unblockable blow.




When used repetetively, this combo will allow you to weave through your opponent's attempts to block your saber. Medium or Fast Style Recommended.



While running, hit Crouch+Right (OR Left) +Attack

You should run into your opponent with a rolling-strafe (A diagonal roll) and swipe at their legs at the same time.


Forward Backflip

While running forward, press Forward+Back+Forward+Jump+Attack

If executed correctly, you will backflip over your opponent in style, but forward. You should hit him ooverhead while flipping, and upon landing, press one of the strafe buttons and attack while facing away from your opponent and you should land, spin, and swipe.


:c3po: :c3po: :c3po: :c3po: :c3po:


wait a minute..is that a joke?

i think Artifex wasn't serious about that

am i right? artifex?

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