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Yoda Model !!!!!!!!!!


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Ok, now that we can play as Darth Vader and the Fett family...

WHERE IS THE YODA MODEL ? !?!??!?? with the little green lightsaber. Think of something, people!!! I am totally unable to do such things so it must be done by somebody else. And fast!!



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Yea i've seen a yoda model 90% finished.


(i cant remember where it was but i post it up as soon as i can ! :))


Anways, the model looks VERY realistic plus it has a smaller green saber to d/l too. (yo CAN download the small saber now but not the yoda model :()


BTW does anyone no where i can get some darth vadar models from?


- Zero G

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The Ugnaught model is WAY too huge, unless they shrink it down. Otherwise, the model would also need a new head and a few other changes, in addition to new animations so he would look cool like in ep2 and not like a 2 ft gimp trotting around and swinging his micro-saber.

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