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Slide and Wallwalking


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I have a couple quick questions. First off, when you're wall walking, are you as vulnerable to push/pull as when you're jumping? On some maps it's possible to wall walk over some pits instead of jumping. For example, on CTF_Bespin, instead of jump from the thermal detonators to where the bridge connects to the base, you can wall walk over that gap. Jumping that gap is a huge time saver when you have the flag, but dangerous because you can be pulled into the pit by pursuers. Has anyone experimented with this?


Also, I've seen the bots do a 'slide' move where it looks like they slide on their backs and hold their lightsabers in the air. Anyone know how this is accomplished? It's a pretty cool lookin' move. :)





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> I've seen the bots do a 'slide' move where it looks

> like they slide on their backs a


Not sure specifically what you're talking about.. but I'll try anyways.


When jumping, if you release the movement key just before hitting jump, your character does a different jump animation.


For example, forward+jump makes you do a flip in the air. Forward, release, jump makes you do a weird "flying" animation, using your arms for balance.


You can do this with strafing as well, which sort of does what I think you're describing.. it looks like you're sliding on your side, with your saber held above you.


You can chain different swings from this position than when you do a normal flip jump, as well.

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Yeah, I've been able to figure that much out. You can also make your player to a backflip forward by jumping forward and immediately hitting the backwards key. You'll continue forward, but you'll do a backflip.


Not sure if that's at all useful, since I've yet to see the backflip do anything besides look cool (but someone said it opened cool combat moves, but didn't tell me what or how. Anyone know that one?)


What I'm talking about is an actually slide on the floor. They slide back and hold their lightsaber up in the air. It would seem like they'd want to do it to slide under you and hurt you like that. They've never done it up close to me though, just when they've been backing into walls onto the other sides of levels.


Again, I've only seen bots do this, but I don't play online much because my modem is poop.

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