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Thanks for all your help.


The problem still isn't solved. I've followed your instructions to the letter and still I get the same effect. I'm going to try to apply the sky in GTKradient instead and see if it helps. I really don't know what the f*ck is causing this problem but it's just pissing me off now.


I've tried every sky shader and every time I get the message that an image could not be found. I figure it must be folder mappings. It can't find the folder it's looking for.


Think I'll have a play around with my folder structure while I'm at it.


Just out of interest. If I've got my assets01.pk3 in my base folder and then I create a seperate folder in base called textures is that going to cause a problem. Will it default to the folder I've created without looking in the PK3 for the right texture?


Is anyone else having this problem?



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Are you absolutely certain that you are using the correct shader?

As a test apply "Texture -> Bespin -> Sky" to the "faces" (not the entire brush) that you can see and try compiling it.

Or ask someone to have a look at your *.map file, see if they can do it.


Any custom textures you add would need to be included in the final pk3 file with the folder structure intact (relative to the base folder). I would recommend that you leave the folder structure well alone.


- Pseudopath.

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I think you misunderstand me.


I'm not changing the assets pk3 files structure.


I unzipped the assets folder and saved it elsewhere just for reference purposes. I then created a folder in my base folder called textures. Now bearing in mind that the editor would usually look into the assets files for textures, how would creating a folder called textures in the base folder effect this?


I'll send you the map file if you like so you can take a look?



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I was misunderstanding you, your suggested change i.e. addition of the "textures" folder would mean that Radient and JK][ would "also" look in there for textures.


And as for your map if you email it to me now I will look at it during my lunch, which is in about 45 mins..


- Pseudopath.

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Thats my question. Would it look also in the textures folder or would it look in there instead of looking in the assets01.pk3.


I wonder how these shader things work.


The shader file just creates the effects and then references the textures to add from another folder????


If this is the case then this may be causing the prob.


As I said earlier. All the effects in the sky are working well. You can't see the corner of the sky box. It is as if it's a sphere. Which is the way it should look. The light value's seem to be correct too.


It's just that the texture is not appearing and the BSP is telling me that it couldn't find the textures.


All seems to make sense.

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Yeah, you should make sure that the textures you want to use for the shader is in the correct path. If you want to use custom sky textures, the easiest is to create a new folder in the base/textures folder;




for example. Place your sky textures there. Then, in your shader file, which should be placed in this file (for example):




make sure that the skyParms line in the shader script looks something like this:


skyParms textures/aazelljk2duel1/myskytextures 512 -


(following the sky texture naming convention of course)


Make sure that your aazelljk2duel1.shader file is listed in the shaderlist.txt file in the shaders folder though. Then it should work.


// Grudge

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Hi again all.


Ok I kinda solved the problem (but not really).


The map I was designing was for SP. In these maps when I render them the sky shader does not appear.


So I changed my map to an MP. Guess what. Sky all round!


I'm happy making MP maps at the moment with sky and I guess I'll just have to make my SP maps indoor only affairs.


I can live with that.


Thanks for all your feedback guys.


Pseudo I'm still gonna send you that map just to get your feedback.





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That is the strangest thing I've ever heard. Usually it's the other way around... Can you see skies in the regular SP levels now? That sounds more like a graphics setting than a mapping error.


Try "devmap bespin_undercity" and see if the sky is still there. :p

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I've tested SP Bespin and it all works fine. I had no problems in the actual game apart from the mirror at the end on Yavin Temple?


The sky's show up fine though.


A big F***off mystery!


I can be a happy bunny with MP maps although I'm a bit gutted that you can't have rain or snow on MP.


How does fog affect MP games. Big slowdown or not?



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