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Fist Command


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I know this has been posted before, but since the search function has been disabled I can't really dig through 80000 posts by hand. My question is, does anyone know the command to use your fists like in the original jedi outcast. If I remember correctly it was kind of a hidden command but I do remember someone posting it a couple months ago. Any help would be appreciated.



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Yeah i'm bumping this, it only had thirty views after all. Besides, I know some of you must know it because it was already posted once. Why not just allow searching at a given time period every few days or so, it would make things a little easier and it wouldn't gobble up the bandwith as fast.



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Hmmm anyone have any luck with these methods, especially Vestrils. I tried loading it up in ladder but to no avail. However, I did notice that when I typed in weaponnum 14, (after I typed give it) nothing would happen, but when I typed in weapon num 14 witha space it would switch my weapon to uh I guess weapon less although I couldnt punch =/ Well anyone else have a suggestion/remember the post i'm talking about, i'm determined to find out this command.... just not 80,000 post determined, lol. Well thanks guys keep looking I know I will.



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Errr sorry to do this but I still have a little confusion involving your post. What second command are you talking about? That is all, lol. Thanks for your help so far though I really appreciate it.



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Originally posted by Stupid69

Ahh, thank you very much Vestril that worked perfectly. I was typing weaponnum 14 instead of weapon 14 when I wanted to access i, so thanks once again.




That was my fault, I originally posted that you should type weaponnum 14 to access it--whoopsie. Anyway, that last post of mine has it right :)

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Originally posted by x_halcyon_x

you don't have to cheat to put up your fists, it's actually quite simple, just hit the "-" key, or underscore key


That gets rid of your gun, but it doesn't pull out your fists...unless the patch changed that:confused:

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