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The Backstab.


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I really don't see anything wrong with the backstab as long as it is not spammed or used with pull. But yet ,people still seem to bad mouth it, I for one am glad they increased the power of it because:

1) You are a getting stabbed right through your torso with a large hole. So it's more realistic.

2) Finally Blue has a real powermove.

3) I don't see a problem with it, if you get hit with it in a real duel, cudos for the person who did it, you need to have timing to hit someone back there after they keep dodging and running around.

Besides, if they stay there long enough for the blue stance user to do it, they deserve to get hit with it.


I just really don't like it when people bad mouth it, it is a perfectly normal, and accepted move.


Another thing, why is it that everyone things blue stance is a headless chicken stance? I use it some times and my strikes are timed and calculated. I use precision combo's to accomplish my goals. Yes, I am the aggressor so often I will charage at you then jump up and do some spins then turn around and start some strikes when I deem them necessary. It is proper to make alot of strike since, the hits do less damage.


Anyways, that's my rant.



Also, I am solely a blue user, I also use yellow and also red stance, so I do see it from several pespectives.

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i agree.



ALL STANCES are good. blue is good for jumpy people. it also has good persicion. Med is good for people who stay fairly close to you. Heavy is best used as part of a combo. I managed to kill someone like this.


1. Weakend with blue. also he used red so there were some openings


2. When he got agressive i had decided to cause more damage.


3. Heavy to get that perfect hit. When the timings right it can hurt.


4. Used pracitcally all specials avalibale.




So in conclution, The stances are all about timing.



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the rocket launcher and the secondary function on the fletchette gun will both kill you with 1 shot. i never see anyone complaining about those. and no, im not bitching either, id just like to point it out since everyone thinks the backstab is so bad. at least the backstab cant be done from 50 feet away like the guns i mentioned above =P


if the backstab damage is reduced, i see no reason to use the saber anymore in CTF games, unless of course its a saber only CTF game. the move is very powerful but its easy to avoid if you are a skilled player. i usually use absorb in fights with people who love to backstab. if they cant pull you down it makes it much harder for them to get you.


i play this game mainly because of the lightsaber, but i dont play on saber only servers because i think guns make the game a bit more interesting...plus i do use them from time to time. also, in the saber only CTF games ive played, its impossible to kill the flag carrier unless you send about 5 people after them all at once. u can just use absorb then just simply run around and roll all day long. very hard to kill someone doing that.


in the end, i think raven will make guns more powerful than the saber. then i will have to quit the game.

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Originally posted by jarek

the rocket launcher and the secondary function on the fletchette gun will both kill you with 1 shot. i never see anyone complaining about those. and no, im not bitching either, id just like to point it out since everyone thinks the backstab is so bad. at least the backstab cant be done from 50 feet away like the guns i mentioned above =P


2 words: force & push!


p.s. saber only owns you all, and so do i!



and dude, the saber owns a gun ANY-DAY... argh this requires at least a 1000 word answer and i'm too lazy. TAKE MY WORD FOR IT

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Force pushing the shots from those two guns away is all very well, but I don't have godlike reflexes capable of reacting to someone firing them at point blank range. I prefer to pull the gun out of their hands.


As for the pull/backstabbers. It's fine if they only do it occasionally (as a finishing move after a long fight it often gets people because they aren't expecting it). the ones who spam pull until they get you (I often double tap pull/push because it's more effective that way btw), are just asking to die - let them try until they have no force THEN DO IT TO THEM!


Eventually they might learn.

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Well, for people spamming pull+backstab, which I see quite alot, or people not using pull and just attack with their backs... force throw(throw the saber that is) works pretty well on them, just throw it at them and eventually they'll be so upset when trying to pull you and it wont do any good while your throwing your saber in the back of them, that they're gonna just start hack 'n slash and won't control any moves at all really

Then for the finish!

So eh.. just finish 'em off :)

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