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space sim mod? Is it possible?


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If I were to create a map with no gravity, and build a ship model as a character model, would it be possible to make a level where you could fly round as if in space, or maybe rush hour traffic on coruscant? :D I for one think this would be very cool. I don't have the time to go into it right now but if it were possible there's always the future......

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I think it's very much possible, however...barrel rolls and loops would be impossible with the current engine. You'd be limited to turns and moving up and down. If you want a REAL Star Wars Space Sim, I recommend picking up X-Wing Alliance. It's old, but a solid game nevertheless.

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Hmmm... didn't think of the barrel rolls thing, maybe keep missions like Coruscant air-speeders or A-wing ships, these couldn't flip either. Could you imagine doing the battle of hoth in JO? You might even be able to work it so you can get in and out of ship like GTA.... that would be seriously cool.

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Yes but until Raven loosens up and releases the real SDK it won't be possible. I don't see why they're being so tight-assed about it. It's not like they developed JK2 totally from scratch, they borrowed the entire 3D-engine from id Software just like all their other DF/JK games.

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