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Question about playing the expansion pack


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ok i bought the expansion pack and i don't understand what cds to use and where. i load up the gb play cd like normal and i don't see the cc campaigns. nor do i see the civ's in the regular skirmish mode. i load the cc cd and i get the message that i must load the gb cd and restart cc. i don't understand what i am doing wrong. anyone tell me how to play the game. thank you in advance.

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ya i tried that and it didn't work. i install gb and then cc and i put the cc cd in the drive and let it autorun, i get to the main screen and click single player. it asks me to type in my name and i do then it comes up with a error message and tells me to put in a game cd to play. so i close it and run the game cd from gb and that works, but it doesn't have the 2 new civ's from episode 2. anyone else having this problem.

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