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Okay, first and foremost, knelling before a duel is not a waste of time... neither your opponents nor yours. If your lightside Jedi, knell; if your a darkside Jedi, taunt. Whatever, just acknowledge your opponent. It doesn't take anytime at all, and plus it makes the duel more personal.


I'm not saying you have to do a seven part solute or anything, its just respectful and it's in the Jedi vain.

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I have no problem with a ceremonial bow/taunt before fighting, but some people take it too far....





walk slowly forwards, sabre off

back off




ad nauseum


and all the while I'm spectating watching time pass by...


keep it quick, the point of a duel is after all to kill your opponent with a light sabre, not boredom...

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1) Kneeling, Not Knelling.

2) I don't have a problem with it, sometimes I bow, sometimes I don't. It depends on my mood, and the atmosphere of the game.

3) I do not like it when people go too far with it. I will not be cheap and attack them, but I might say hurry up or something, or sometimes I won't say a thing.

4) I hate it when people try to sneak in an attack when they are doing a ritual. Example: I was in a duel, this guy bowed, then he walked slowly towards me with his saber off, I thought he was just doing his pre-game ritual. He walked up, kicked me in the head, then DFAed me while I was down, killing me. He did that to two other people in the game too. ( My saber was retracted, and so was his until the dfa)

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You're right for the most part. It can be done faster. I don't like it when the people start walking around back and forth. That just wastes time. I hate it when people don't bow though. You don't have your saber out and they attack you. If your opponent bows, you bow. Easy, right?

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Mostly I got no problem with some bowing a long time, the only thing I have problem with in the game are people running around only saber throwing in duels, or waiting for me to attack so they can do a backstab... Although I win 90% of the time to those guys, is anyoing those times I loose because I get tired of hunting and jumping around... I can bore him out, but I'm such a kind Sith somehow, that I feel sorry for the spectators watching...


And another thing I have problem with, is leaving a server because someone is boring to fight, and know that they are thinking "Haha, He lost and couldn't take it anymore"... I hate that I think so anyways :)

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