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More UVmapping misery...


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heres the problem,


when i export my model to an .md3 from gmax i get the error that goes something like this, "there was not a one to one correspondence between texture vertices and true vertices. UV map may contain errors."


now even after deleting all the uvmapping i did it still gave me that error.

At first I ignored it and put it into 3dsmax so i could use texporter and it was working fine, the mapping was still there. When i used texporter a few of the parts of the model didnt show up...



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I've had this problem with exporting a Max model for Q3. What I've done (and what worked) was:


- select all the vertices and weld them with the standard minimal distance.

- then I applied the UVW Unwrap modifier to all the vertices so that they are at least in the map

- then export your model as 3ds

- import it in max, save it and try exporting it again.

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